Practice Areas
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Litigation and Judgment are our bread and butter.
With our vast multiple years of experience in patent infringement litigation and appeals, we are able to provide timely
and appropriate infringement countermeasures to our clients. Our legal services are geared toward protection of client
rights. Our consultation and litigation responses are done by teams composed of a former Patents Tribunal Attomey and
a Patent Litigation Specialist, and have been our pride of high customer satisfaction.

Our attorneys specialize in tech industries.
With a wide array and depth of legal experiences in the industry, our professionals are prepared for all areas of
technological developments. Our professionals have experience from the legal team at Samsung Electronics and
Samsung C&T, and bring to the table the same caliber of IP legal services to our clients.

International Applications are a strength of ours.
We have extensive experience in IP applications in the United States, Japan, Democratic People's Republic of
China, and in nations of Europe, and have gained great proficiency in foreign IP laws and IP business practices.
Through this rich asset, our clients ideas' are guaranteed greater likelihood of international protection.

We provide professional services in Valuation and Transfer of Technology.
In conjunction with the Indeustry-Academic Cooperation Foundation and the University Technology Transfer Center,
we provide technology commercialization and transfer services including patenting laboratory and university
inventions, Furthermore, with Certified Valuation Analyst and Technology Transfer Agents on board, marketability
assessments, investment avaluation and licensing deals for the evaluated technology are all part of the professional
legal services we provide at Yaejune.

We provide in-house education programs for our clients.
At Yaejune, we provide both basic and professional education on the topic of IP rights to individuals unfamiliar to
the subject. We have trained members of SMBs, venture businesses, and IP personnel on both the subject and
actual practice.